Turn of Phrase

Words and Images

November 6, 2021 through January 2, 2022

On view in the ArtWorks Corridor Gallery


Inspired by the Museum’s larger exhibition of Lesley Dill’s work, titled Lesley Dill, Wilderness: Light Sizzles Around Me, middle, high, and college students were invited to submit works that included words and images in one cohesive work of art. We had an astonished number of submissions from schools all over the area. The works on view are just a sampling of the amazing student talent in the Montgomery area. Student artists used a variety of media including paint, sculpture, collage, pencil & ink, and mixed media. Like Dill, who uses words as armor to convey power and symbolism in her work, some students chose to use imagery and  meaningful phrases, poems, and words to express complex beliefs, social commentary, and emotional outcries.

The title of the exhibition, Turn of Phrase, is defined as a way of expressing something, that stands out in some particular way. The student work on view no doubt stands out in a meaningful way and will surely impact the visitors that walk down the gallery. 

Above: Elijah Tyre (Success Unlimited Academy, Grade 12), Dancing with Words (detail), 2021, Lent by the artist



Organized by the Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts, Montgomery, Alabama.


Support for this exhibition was provided by Regions.

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