Throughout the past year, society as a collective has had to go through things that we never could have imagined. In March of 2020, life came to a complete standstill, hurling us into chaos and confusion and stripping us of our sense of what life used to be. Despite the chaos that our world erupted into, humanity still found ways to connect with the world around us, managing to find peace within the unimaginable.
This exhibition, curated by the Museum’s teen council, the Muses, shares our experiences from the past year using a selection of works in the MMFA Student Art Collection. In conjunction with the Art Connects exhibition, this exhibition was a unique experience for us teens to experience the collection in new ways offering our own contexts and connections. Beginning with each member selecting works that resonated with them, we then connected the pieces to themes telling the greater story. Peace Amid Chaos explores a variety of themes—abstraction, faces, nature, social justice, entertainment, and flora and fauna—in different media and styles to portray the rare moments of peace we experience through misfortune.
Above: Photograph of the 2021 installation of the exhibition at the Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts.
Meet the Muses
Mary Kathryn Bryant
Freshman at University of Montevallo, LAMP Class of 2020
Elizabeth Efferson
Freshman at Savannah College of Art and Design, HomeLife Academy Class of 2020
Temple Jones
12th grade, Evangel Christian Homeschool
Gracelyn Mitchell
12th grade, Homeschool
Naomi Smith
11th grade, Montgomery Catholic
Alice Valentine
11th grade
Image: Muses Elizabeth Efferson (left) and Mary Kathryn Bryant (right) in front of the Peace Amid Chaos title wall at the exhibition opening of the accompanying exhibition Art Connects on August 5, 2021.
Organized by the Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts, Montgomery, Alabama.
Support for the ArtWorks Gallery is provided by Regions.
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