Local Artists Live celebrates Pride Month beginning with artist Shannon Anderson, a transplant to the South from California, whose art centers around typography and hand-drawn type, incorporating quotes and words into images that help raise awareness of pressing social issues faced today. Her work often utilizes contemporary phrases that speak to the heart of matters such as “Love is Love” and “Y’all Means All” both of which support the visibility of and empathy for individuals of LGBTQ+ communities.
Shannon was interested in art growing up, but “sports really ran [her] life”—so much so that what brought her to Alabama was to play softball for Auburn University. She later moved to Montgomery and went on to earn her Bachelor of Fine Arts in graphic design from Auburn University at Montgomery; she now works for Southern Poverty Law Center’s creative department.
On Saturday, June 12, tune in to the MMFA’s Instagram account from 10–10:30 AM CST to hear Shannon share more about her ever-changing creative practice and her belief that art is a powerful way to not only gain the public’s attention but also lead to discussion, action, and, ultimately, change. Read on below to discover more about Shannon’s creative drive and interests.
This program is part of the series:

Meet the Artist
What is something you appreciate about life in the South?
My favorite part about life in the South is the pace. People take more time to enjoy life here and to get to know each other. I have made connections here that will last a lifetime.
What are some works of art in the MMFA’s collection that inspire you and why?
Mutter und Tochter is a piece that has always drawn me in. It is the confidence and power of the woman in this piece; it is just so strong.
What piece of art that you have created is your favorite, and why?
My favorite artwork I’ve created so far was my first sticker, which happened to be in the shape of Alabama and said vote. It became a really fun new way to create affordable art which is something I have been trying to do for years. Art sometimes feels too expensive to own and I would like to find a way to make it more accessible.
Do you have an all-time favorite work of art, and have you seen it in person? If you have, how did you feel in that moment?
I have been lucky enough to travel to a lot of places to see art, but my most jaw-dropping moment was standing at the foot of [Michelangelo’s] David. You just can’t explain it, or do it justice in words or in photos. It is a moment that will humble you; one that you walk away from feeling like you stood next to greatness.
What drives your creativity?
Social issues drive my art. I feel like art is a universal language and a way to really draw attention to different causes. I like to use my art to say something.
What advice would you give to beginning artists?
Advice? Keep pushing yourself, and never give up. There is no right or wrong answer or decision. Let yourself really explore your art and don’t let anyone discourage you.
What excites you the most about the growth of Montgomery’s art scene, and how might we further these efforts throughout our community?**
I like seeing Montgomery really open up to the public art scene. Art should be everywhere and we are really starting to see that here. As a community, we should support local artists by not only purchasing their art, but through sharing it. Actively showing up for events and letting our leaders know how much art means to this community.
** The Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts invites you to participate in a survey that gauges our community’s interest in and thoughts on public art installations. Take Survey